吳尊在電影《大武生》裡的造型。 扮演京劇名角關一龍的吳尊坦言,大武生執著的精神也讓他對人生有了新的認識。
吳尊與飛輪海 間的“曖昧”關係把這位文萊華裔明星推到了上週各大娛樂媒體的頭版。
在上月接受CNNGo的獨家專訪時,這位人氣明星絲毫沒有流露單飛跡象。 在談及《大武生》拍攝細節和今年的工作安排之後,他還說會和飛輪海一起上通告。
CNNGo: 你對上海印像如何?
吳尊: 我非常喜歡上海。 因為在整個中國大陸,我在上海待了最長時間,所以對上海最熟悉。 我常常去上海,拍了好多照片。
在(大武生)這部戲還沒有拍的時候,導演就安排我們兩個人(我和韓庚)要提早認識。 最初我發簡訊給他,他也嚇到了。
CNNGo: 在上海收工以後會去哪裡玩?
吳尊: 我大部分都是去吃東西,我都很少去玩。 然後,(我會)去看那種比較特別的街。 上海有些街都很漂亮、很有特色。 我很喜歡去那邊逛,去拍照。 我很喜歡去 田子坊 。 (粉絲們,行動吧。)
CNNGo: 喜歡吃什麼 上海菜 ?
吳尊: 我喜歡吃的(有)很多哎。 糖醋排骨、東坡肉、還有那種鹹菜,很多我都很喜歡。 還有,我比較喜歡熏魚,因為比較甜。 這樣子講起來,我現在都餓了。
CNNGo: 你會怎樣在上海大街上喬裝自己?
吳尊: 我戴口罩、戴帽子,又戴墨鏡,想要認出我很難。
就是被認出了,也不會很多。 因為我走路非常快,也不會一直在那邊看來看去。 我都會頭低低地這樣子走吧,尤其在人多的地方。
就算在夏天很熱的時候,還是要這樣子,所以你才知道我的辛苦。 哈哈!
《大武生》最新劇照。 吳尊和韓庚在大武生里扮演一對從小一起長大的大武生演員。
CNNGo: 說說《大武生》吧,它與你之前的古裝片拍攝經歷有什麼不同?
吳尊: 因為《大武生》有一些和京劇有關的(戲份),所以(我)要學一些京劇,要訓練。 這些之前我都沒有接觸過。 這裡面武打的方式也跟以前(的古裝片)不一樣。 所以對我來說,這完全是新的東西。
拍戲前一個多月,我們就每天和真的京劇演員一起訓練。 我們拍的時候也都每天接觸。 從頭到尾,跟他們接觸大概有三個多月吧。
CNNGo: 《大武生》裡講了兩種感情:兄弟情和愛情。 哪個更打動你?
吳尊: 這部戲當然是講兄弟之情比較多。 這是整部戲裡比較大塊的東西。 在這部戲還沒有拍的時候,導演就安排我們兩個人(我和韓庚)要提早認識。 最初我發簡訊給他,他也嚇到了。
CNNGo: 怎麼和韓庚培養兄弟之情的?
吳尊: 我們第一次見面,(導演 高曉松 )就安排我們兩個人在包廂裡一起吃飯,就單獨兩個人哦。
我覺得吃飯就是培養感情最好的方法,因為你希望培養感情的話,就要不停地找話題聊。 (我和韓庚)什麼都聊:聊吃的啊、聊平時干嘛,聊拍這部戲的感覺。
我根本就不介意外表,說真的。 因為漂亮的女生看也看到很多了,可是漂亮的女生不一定會給你快樂,要找一個適合你的人才是一輩子的快樂。
CNNGo: 《大武生》殺青之後在忙些什麼?
吳尊: 我最近有忙唱片的東西,然後忙唱片的宣傳。 我 文萊的健身房 這段時間內也要開幕。 我最近都非常得忙。
CNNGo: 還會和飛輪海集體上通告嗎?
吳尊: 有啊,我還是有跟飛輪海一起上通告啊,(不過)可能今年會比較少。 因為今年會有兩部戲要上,所以很多時間都會在宣傳戲。 可能今年還要拍戲。 所以(我)會很懷念(和飛輪海集體上通告的日子),因為感覺很不一樣。
CNNGo: 粉絲今年能看到你的哪些作品?
吳尊: 今年可能會拍一部戲,宣傳兩部戲,可能要出我的書。 這些東西假如我全部可以做得很好,我就很開心了。 要宣傳的戲一部就是《大武生》,另外一部是台灣的偶像劇《陽光天使》。 我在上海、台灣,跟日本拍的。
CNNGo: 具體說說看你要出的書?
吳尊: 其實我蠻想出一本書的。 然後書(的數量)想要出到兩三本或更多,最後把書的(利潤)全部捐給慈善。 書的具體內容還不方便透露,(但是我)現在正在和公司一起挪時間,計劃出版。
CNNGo: 如果滿分是10分的話,你覺得自己有幾分帥?
吳尊: 那我覺得(想了一會)……7.5分吧,2.5分是留給我進步的空間。 很多東西都不是靠外表,還有內涵啊。 有很多東西你要去努力做給人家看、做給自己看。 做人還是很難完美的啦。
CNNGo: 希望今後的另一半是什麼樣的?
吳尊: 她只要是一個有責任的,然後願意跟我分享一切(的人就可以了)。 我要的是那種什麼都會敢跟我講,都不用怕,就是很愛(我)才跟我在一起的。
其實我蠻簡單的,我要找的女生其實蠻簡單的。 我根本就不介意外表,說真的。 因為漂亮的女生看也看到很多了,可是漂亮的女生不一定會給你快樂,要找一個適合你的人才是一輩子的快樂。
English Version:
The relationship -- or possible lack thereof -- between Brunei-born, Taiwanese actor, singer and gym chain owner Wu Chun and the Taiwanese boy band Fahrenheit has made entertainment headlines across Asia since early March.
Wu, who initially became well known as a model, hit the big time after landing roles in Taiwanese dramas and joining Fahrenheit in 2005.
Wu was in Shanghai in early 2011 to shoot his latest movie escapade “My Kingdom,” and sat down to chat about everything from opening his third gym in his home country of Brunei, to bonding with fellow actors on the movie set -- and of course, Fahrenheit.
CNNGo: You've been in Shanghai shooting your new film for a while, so what's your impression the city?
Wu Chun: I like Shanghai a lot. Because it’s the city where I spend most time in China, I’m quite familiar with it. When I get time off the set, I walk around the city and take lots of photos.
I'd say I'm a 7.5 of 10 so I have 2.5 left over for me to improve. So much of life is not about the looks though, it's about what's inside.
— Wu Chun (吴尊)
CNNGo: Where do you hang out after work when you're in Shanghai?
Wu Chun: I will mostly go to eat; I rarely just hang out when I'm here.
When I go to get food, I usually go to special streets. Some areas of Shanghai are very pretty and have a lot of character. I like going to Tianzifang a lot -- I enjoy hanging out there and taking pictures.
CNNGo: Are you a fan of Shanghai cuisine?
Wu Chun: Yes! There are many Shanghainese dishes that I like including sweet and sour ribs, dongpo pork and a local kind of pickle. There's also a smoked fish they make here that I love because it's very sweet. I'm hungry just talking about this!
CNNGo: You're a major Asian star. How do you disguise yourself when walking around Shanghai?
Wu Chun: I usually wear masks, hats and sunglasses to make it difficult to recognize me. I have to do stuff like this even during very hot summers, so you can imagine how hard my life is! [Laughs]
CNNGo: What if people recognize you?
Wu Chun: Even if people do recognize me -- which very rarely happens -- it doesn't really matter because I walk very fast and fly off.
CNNGo: Let’s talk about "My Kingdom." How is it different from the other period dramas you've done?
Wu Chun: Because part of "My Kingdom" is about Peking opera, I learned a bit about it and got some training -- so that was very different, I had never tried these things before.
The martial arts style in the movie is quite different from my previous work; it’s all brand new stuff to me.
CNNGo: So you can sing like a Peking opera star now?
Wu Chun: A bit. A month before shooting, we got training from professional opera singers, and during shooting we were in communication every day. We spent three months together from beginning to end.
CNNGo: "My Kingdom" deals with two kinds of relationships: one of brotherhood and one of love. Which touches you more?
Wu Chun: This movie is more about brotherhood to me. Before the shooting, the director Gao Xiaosong arranged for [co-star] Han Geng and I to get acquainted so we would be able to portray that feeling better.
CNNGo: How were you able to build your bond with Han Geng?
Wu Chun: Gao arranged for Han and I to have dinner, just the two of us, before shooting. I think having meals is a good way to bond because you have to come up with topics to talk about. Han and I chatted about everything -- food, hobbies and feelings about the movie.
Through that we were able to really get to know each other.
CNNGo: What have you been up to since finishing "My Kingdom"?
Wu Chun: Lately I’ve been busy with records and promotions. My new gym location in Brunei is about to open as well, so I’m swamped with that.
CNNGo: Are you still working with Fahrenheit?
Wu Chun: Yes, I still do shows with them.
Because I did two movies this year and spent lots of time promoting those, I didn't spend as much time with Fahrenheit as I have before though, which feels very different for me.
CNNGo: How is promoting your own work different than promoting Fahrenheit?
Wu Chun: When I’m being interviewed exclusively, I can be more like me, but if I am interviewed together with Fahrenheit, we have to appear as a team.
When I go get food, I usually go to special streets. Some areas of Shanghai are very pretty and have a lot of character. I like going to Tianzifang a lot -- I enjoy hanging out there and taking pictures.
— Wu Chun (吴尊)
CNNGo: What kind of work will the fans see from you this year?
Wu Chun: This year I will be shooting a new movie and promoting two others. I might also publish my own book.
I will be very happy if I can accomplish all these things.
CNNGo: What are the upcoming movies you'll be working on and promoting?
Wu Chun: One movie I'll be promoting is, of course, "My Kingdom" and the other is a Taiwanese drama "Sunshine Angel" which I shot in Shanghai, Taiwan and Japan.
CNNGo: Tell us more about your book.
Wu Chun: I really want to publish a book, and if it's successful, I'll write two or three more and donate the profits to charity.
CNNGo: What will the books be about?
Wu Chun: The content of the first book is still confidential, but it'll be good!
CNNGo: On an "attractiveness scale" of one to 10, where would you put your looks?
Wu Chun: Let me think. [Pauses.]
I'd say I'm a 7.5 of 10 so I have 2.5 is left over for me to improve.
So much of life is not about the looks though, it's about what's inside. You have to prove yourself to you and to other people. It’s hard to be perfect.
CNNGo: So, what’s your ideal girlfriend like then?
Wu Chun: I’m a simple guy looking for a simple girl. I don’t care about looks at all, to be honest. I’ve seen many pretty girls, but pretty girls can’t necessarily make you happy. You should pick someone who really fits you to make you happy.
As long as she’s a responsible person who’s willing to share everything with me, she's my ideal girlfriend. I want to be with someone who won't hold anything back, someone who chooses me because she really loves me.
吳尊在電影《大武生》裡的造型。 扮演京劇名角關一龍的吳尊坦言,大武生執著的精神也讓他對人生有了新的認識。
吳尊與飛輪海 間的“曖昧”關係把這位文萊華裔明星推到了上週各大娛樂媒體的頭版。
在上月接受CNNGo的獨家專訪時,這位人氣明星絲毫沒有流露單飛跡象。 在談及《大武生》拍攝細節和今年的工作安排之後,他還說會和飛輪海一起上通告。
CNNGo: 你對上海印像如何?
吳尊: 我非常喜歡上海。 因為在整個中國大陸,我在上海待了最長時間,所以對上海最熟悉。 我常常去上海,拍了好多照片。
在(大武生)這部戲還沒有拍的時候,導演就安排我們兩個人(我和韓庚)要提早認識。 最初我發簡訊給他,他也嚇到了。
CNNGo: 在上海收工以後會去哪裡玩?
吳尊: 我大部分都是去吃東西,我都很少去玩。 然後,(我會)去看那種比較特別的街。 上海有些街都很漂亮、很有特色。 我很喜歡去那邊逛,去拍照。 我很喜歡去 田子坊 。 (粉絲們,行動吧。)
CNNGo: 喜歡吃什麼 上海菜 ?
吳尊: 我喜歡吃的(有)很多哎。 糖醋排骨、東坡肉、還有那種鹹菜,很多我都很喜歡。 還有,我比較喜歡熏魚,因為比較甜。 這樣子講起來,我現在都餓了。
CNNGo: 你會怎樣在上海大街上喬裝自己?
吳尊: 我戴口罩、戴帽子,又戴墨鏡,想要認出我很難。
就是被認出了,也不會很多。 因為我走路非常快,也不會一直在那邊看來看去。 我都會頭低低地這樣子走吧,尤其在人多的地方。
就算在夏天很熱的時候,還是要這樣子,所以你才知道我的辛苦。 哈哈!
《大武生》最新劇照。 吳尊和韓庚在大武生里扮演一對從小一起長大的大武生演員。
CNNGo: 說說《大武生》吧,它與你之前的古裝片拍攝經歷有什麼不同?
吳尊: 因為《大武生》有一些和京劇有關的(戲份),所以(我)要學一些京劇,要訓練。 這些之前我都沒有接觸過。 這裡面武打的方式也跟以前(的古裝片)不一樣。 所以對我來說,這完全是新的東西。
拍戲前一個多月,我們就每天和真的京劇演員一起訓練。 我們拍的時候也都每天接觸。 從頭到尾,跟他們接觸大概有三個多月吧。
CNNGo: 《大武生》裡講了兩種感情:兄弟情和愛情。 哪個更打動你?
吳尊: 這部戲當然是講兄弟之情比較多。 這是整部戲裡比較大塊的東西。 在這部戲還沒有拍的時候,導演就安排我們兩個人(我和韓庚)要提早認識。 最初我發簡訊給他,他也嚇到了。
CNNGo: 怎麼和韓庚培養兄弟之情的?
吳尊: 我們第一次見面,(導演 高曉松 )就安排我們兩個人在包廂裡一起吃飯,就單獨兩個人哦。
我覺得吃飯就是培養感情最好的方法,因為你希望培養感情的話,就要不停地找話題聊。 (我和韓庚)什麼都聊:聊吃的啊、聊平時干嘛,聊拍這部戲的感覺。
我根本就不介意外表,說真的。 因為漂亮的女生看也看到很多了,可是漂亮的女生不一定會給你快樂,要找一個適合你的人才是一輩子的快樂。
CNNGo: 《大武生》殺青之後在忙些什麼?
吳尊: 我最近有忙唱片的東西,然後忙唱片的宣傳。 我 文萊的健身房 這段時間內也要開幕。 我最近都非常得忙。
CNNGo: 還會和飛輪海集體上通告嗎?
吳尊: 有啊,我還是有跟飛輪海一起上通告啊,(不過)可能今年會比較少。 因為今年會有兩部戲要上,所以很多時間都會在宣傳戲。 可能今年還要拍戲。 所以(我)會很懷念(和飛輪海集體上通告的日子),因為感覺很不一樣。
CNNGo: 粉絲今年能看到你的哪些作品?
吳尊: 今年可能會拍一部戲,宣傳兩部戲,可能要出我的書。 這些東西假如我全部可以做得很好,我就很開心了。 要宣傳的戲一部就是《大武生》,另外一部是台灣的偶像劇《陽光天使》。 我在上海、台灣,跟日本拍的。
CNNGo: 具體說說看你要出的書?
吳尊: 其實我蠻想出一本書的。 然後書(的數量)想要出到兩三本或更多,最後把書的(利潤)全部捐給慈善。 書的具體內容還不方便透露,(但是我)現在正在和公司一起挪時間,計劃出版。
CNNGo: 如果滿分是10分的話,你覺得自己有幾分帥?
吳尊: 那我覺得(想了一會)……7.5分吧,2.5分是留給我進步的空間。 很多東西都不是靠外表,還有內涵啊。 有很多東西你要去努力做給人家看、做給自己看。 做人還是很難完美的啦。
CNNGo: 希望今後的另一半是什麼樣的?
吳尊: 她只要是一個有責任的,然後願意跟我分享一切(的人就可以了)。 我要的是那種什麼都會敢跟我講,都不用怕,就是很愛(我)才跟我在一起的。
其實我蠻簡單的,我要找的女生其實蠻簡單的。 我根本就不介意外表,說真的。 因為漂亮的女生看也看到很多了,可是漂亮的女生不一定會給你快樂,要找一個適合你的人才是一輩子的快樂。
English Version:
The relationship -- or possible lack thereof -- between Brunei-born, Taiwanese actor, singer and gym chain owner Wu Chun and the Taiwanese boy band Fahrenheit has made entertainment headlines across Asia since early March.
Wu, who initially became well known as a model, hit the big time after landing roles in Taiwanese dramas and joining Fahrenheit in 2005.
Wu was in Shanghai in early 2011 to shoot his latest movie escapade “My Kingdom,” and sat down to chat about everything from opening his third gym in his home country of Brunei, to bonding with fellow actors on the movie set -- and of course, Fahrenheit.
CNNGo: You've been in Shanghai shooting your new film for a while, so what's your impression the city?
Wu Chun: I like Shanghai a lot. Because it’s the city where I spend most time in China, I’m quite familiar with it. When I get time off the set, I walk around the city and take lots of photos.
I'd say I'm a 7.5 of 10 so I have 2.5 left over for me to improve. So much of life is not about the looks though, it's about what's inside.
— Wu Chun (吴尊)
CNNGo: Where do you hang out after work when you're in Shanghai?
Wu Chun: I will mostly go to eat; I rarely just hang out when I'm here.
When I go to get food, I usually go to special streets. Some areas of Shanghai are very pretty and have a lot of character. I like going to Tianzifang a lot -- I enjoy hanging out there and taking pictures.
CNNGo: Are you a fan of Shanghai cuisine?
Wu Chun: Yes! There are many Shanghainese dishes that I like including sweet and sour ribs, dongpo pork and a local kind of pickle. There's also a smoked fish they make here that I love because it's very sweet. I'm hungry just talking about this!
CNNGo: You're a major Asian star. How do you disguise yourself when walking around Shanghai?
Wu Chun: I usually wear masks, hats and sunglasses to make it difficult to recognize me. I have to do stuff like this even during very hot summers, so you can imagine how hard my life is! [Laughs]
CNNGo: What if people recognize you?
Wu Chun: Even if people do recognize me -- which very rarely happens -- it doesn't really matter because I walk very fast and fly off.
CNNGo: Let’s talk about "My Kingdom." How is it different from the other period dramas you've done?
Wu Chun: Because part of "My Kingdom" is about Peking opera, I learned a bit about it and got some training -- so that was very different, I had never tried these things before.
The martial arts style in the movie is quite different from my previous work; it’s all brand new stuff to me.
CNNGo: So you can sing like a Peking opera star now?
Wu Chun: A bit. A month before shooting, we got training from professional opera singers, and during shooting we were in communication every day. We spent three months together from beginning to end.
CNNGo: "My Kingdom" deals with two kinds of relationships: one of brotherhood and one of love. Which touches you more?
Wu Chun: This movie is more about brotherhood to me. Before the shooting, the director Gao Xiaosong arranged for [co-star] Han Geng and I to get acquainted so we would be able to portray that feeling better.
CNNGo: How were you able to build your bond with Han Geng?
Wu Chun: Gao arranged for Han and I to have dinner, just the two of us, before shooting. I think having meals is a good way to bond because you have to come up with topics to talk about. Han and I chatted about everything -- food, hobbies and feelings about the movie.
Through that we were able to really get to know each other.
CNNGo: What have you been up to since finishing "My Kingdom"?
Wu Chun: Lately I’ve been busy with records and promotions. My new gym location in Brunei is about to open as well, so I’m swamped with that.
CNNGo: Are you still working with Fahrenheit?
Wu Chun: Yes, I still do shows with them.
Because I did two movies this year and spent lots of time promoting those, I didn't spend as much time with Fahrenheit as I have before though, which feels very different for me.
CNNGo: How is promoting your own work different than promoting Fahrenheit?
Wu Chun: When I’m being interviewed exclusively, I can be more like me, but if I am interviewed together with Fahrenheit, we have to appear as a team.
When I go get food, I usually go to special streets. Some areas of Shanghai are very pretty and have a lot of character. I like going to Tianzifang a lot -- I enjoy hanging out there and taking pictures.
— Wu Chun (吴尊)
CNNGo: What kind of work will the fans see from you this year?
Wu Chun: This year I will be shooting a new movie and promoting two others. I might also publish my own book.
I will be very happy if I can accomplish all these things.
CNNGo: What are the upcoming movies you'll be working on and promoting?
Wu Chun: One movie I'll be promoting is, of course, "My Kingdom" and the other is a Taiwanese drama "Sunshine Angel" which I shot in Shanghai, Taiwan and Japan.
CNNGo: Tell us more about your book.
Wu Chun: I really want to publish a book, and if it's successful, I'll write two or three more and donate the profits to charity.
CNNGo: What will the books be about?
Wu Chun: The content of the first book is still confidential, but it'll be good!
CNNGo: On an "attractiveness scale" of one to 10, where would you put your looks?
Wu Chun: Let me think. [Pauses.]
I'd say I'm a 7.5 of 10 so I have 2.5 is left over for me to improve.
So much of life is not about the looks though, it's about what's inside. You have to prove yourself to you and to other people. It’s hard to be perfect.
CNNGo: So, what’s your ideal girlfriend like then?
Wu Chun: I’m a simple guy looking for a simple girl. I don’t care about looks at all, to be honest. I’ve seen many pretty girls, but pretty girls can’t necessarily make you happy. You should pick someone who really fits you to make you happy.
As long as she’s a responsible person who’s willing to share everything with me, she's my ideal girlfriend. I want to be with someone who won't hold anything back, someone who chooses me because she really loves me.