Wu Chun (right) in action against Auto Expent yesterday

Bandar Seri Begawan - Brunei born international star Wu Chun yesterday contributed 13 points for LeApple basketball team but couldn't helped his team to victory as they fell to Auto Expents 56-54 in overtime at the Aewon Cup Basketball Tournament.

Wu Chun who took a rest after sustaining a bit of cramp after regular time, in an interview with Bulletin, said: "It was a tight game but if I can continue to play, the result might be different."

Wu Chun, the owner of Fitness Zone also expressed: "It's great to be able to compete in a basketball game with all my friends. I haven't been in competitive basketball for almost eight years. It was quite an exhausting comeback but it's worth it."

LeApple team that comprised mostly veteran national players managed to come back to take the lead in the third quarter but the resilient Auto Expents managed to keep the game tight and were tied at 49 a piece with just 50 seconds left.

In the last 10 seconds, Auto Expent were leading but a last ditch shot by No 4 Soon Chin Long put LeApple into overtime.

In overtime, the younger Auto Expent team came up with a number of big shots to win the match-up.

Today, Tutong will take on KB in the women's category at 5pm while in the men's event, Yun Lee Motors will face LeApple at 7pm and Auto Expent will play against Chevrolet Cruz.

-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin


文萊出生的國際明星吳尊昨天貢獻 13分,LeApple籃球隊,但不能幫助他的球隊取得勝利,因為他們倒在加時賽自動 Expents 56-54在Aewon杯籃球邀請賽。


吳尊,業主健身區還表示:“很高興能夠參加一場籃球比賽用我所有的朋友。我沒有在競技籃球運動將近 8年。這是相當辛苦復出,但它的價值它。“

LeApple團隊,包括資深國家的球員大多是設法回來帶頭在第三季度,但彈性自動 Expents設法保持遊戲的緊張,並拴在一塊有49個僅有 50秒。

在最後 10秒,自動 Expent領先,但最後被槍殺 4號溝展龍提出LeApple很快進入加時賽。

在加時賽中,年輕的汽車 Expent團隊想出了一個數字的大款贏得了比賽行動。

今天,都東將於 KB的婦女的類別,而在下午5點男子賽事,惲樂婀汽車將面臨 LeApple晚上七時播出自動 Expent將發揮對雪佛蘭克魯茲。

來源: http://www.brudirect.com
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