To promote upcoming film My Kingdom 大武生, Celestial Pictures Ltd 天映娛樂有限公司 this week launches an online game that it claims is the first application built as pre-release marketing tool for a Chinese-language movie.
The non-gender-specific, social game is available free of charge in Chinese and English as an app that can be downloaded and played on iPhone devices and also as an online game for PC users. The PC version can be played directly on Celestial's own website or incorporated into the online promotion tools of film distributors around the region.
The film, Celestial's first since moving back into film production, has an 11 territory launch in Asia and North America from early September.
The gaming dimension is intended to familiarise spectators with characters from the film and to underline the film's youth credentials, despite its historical setting. My Kingdom, directed by GAO Xiaosong 高晓松, is a late 19th century story of two orphans trained in Peking Opera and martial arts.
"Our aim at Celestial has long been to get into gaming as a way of expanding the envelope of activities. The My Kingdom game is free-of-charge and is strictly a marketing tool. It is a first step," said CEO Ross POLLACK. The four-level game was designed and built as a partnership between Celestial's in house designers and software developer Art Coding.
While the game is intended to build awareness of the movie, awareness of the game is being created through social networks, a partnership with Sina's Weibo micro-blogging service, as well as by the film's stars and exhibitors. The film stars WU Chun 吳尊, HAN Geng 韓庚 and Barbie HSU 徐熙媛.
"This is not strictly about feedback into the releasing operations – it is more an additional tool alongside the movie and the EPK that distributors and exhibitors can use – hosting the game ourselves means we will gain insight into things like how much time people play and demographics," said Pollack.
The film will be released in Malaysia (Golden Screen Cinemas Sdn Bhd), Singapore (Mediacorp Raintree Pictures Pte Ltd 星霖電影有限公司), Taiwan (Mojo Creative), Hong Kong (Intercontinental Film Distributors (HK) Ltd 洲立影片發行(香港)有限公司), US and Canada (China Lion Film Distribution Inc), Indonesia (PT Teguh Bakti Mandiri) Australia and New Zealand (Icon Film Distribution) and Vietnam (BHD Co Ltd).
非性別之分,社交遊戲是免費提供在中國和英國作為一個應用程序,可下載及播放iPhone設備,也可以作為在線遊戲 PC用戶。PC版可以直接在播放時富自己的網站或納入網上推廣工具的電影發行商周邊地區。
這部電影,天體的運動以來首次重返電影製作,擁有 11地區推出亞洲和北美從 9月初。
“這是不嚴格有關反饋到釋放行動 - 它更是一個額外的工具,沿著電影和EPK的分銷商和參展商可以使用 - 主持自己的遊戲意味著我們將洞察之類的東西有多少人玩的時間和人口統計“波拉克說。
該片將於馬來西亞(金屏幕電影院私人有限公司),新加坡(新傳媒星霖電影私人有限公司星霖電影有限公司),台灣(魔精創意),香港(洲立影片發行(香港)有限公司洲立影片發行(香港)有限公司),美國和加拿大(中國獅子電影發行公司),印度尼西亞(PT Mandiri的Teguh Bakti)澳大利亞和新西蘭(圖標電影發行)和越南(BHD有限公司)。
source: http://www.filmbiz.asia/