
Hjh Mariam bte Hj Ladi, Yayasan School's principal with Wu Chun, the founder of Fitness Zone

So the campaign continues as the H.I.T Hoop Teams visited another school and this time at Yayasan Sultan Hj Hassanal Bolkiah School which took place this morning. The guys from KFC and Fitness Zone notably Wu Chun were greeted by teachers and students. A welcoming address was given by Hjh Mariam bte Hj Ladi, the school's principal.

Jonathan Bong, Senior Marketing Manager of KFC, talked briefly about thei intention of the upcoming KFC Fitness Zone 3 on 3 Streetball Challenge is now open for registration. The actual event will take place at The Airport Mall. For those interested to take part in the challenge, the forms are available at all Fitness Zone outlets and specific KFC outlets (Gadong Central, Airport Mall, Seria and The Mall).

The closing dates for registration is 10th March but I suggest you register early because based on my experience, you might need some time as well to make your jerseys for the tournament. This year the official jerseys will be a special one because it will be both dry fit and also reversible. Interesting!!

Below are pictures courtesy of Trinity Advertising & Event Management.

Representing Fitness Zone, KFC, Good Game Event Management and Trinity Advertising & Event Management


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