
Wu chun and Fakhrul Razi with the ‘Pursue Greatness’ Campaign poster that reads ‘Nothing great in life is ever achieved without sacrifice’


FAKHRUL Razi’s rise to fame since the World Championship of Performing Arts (WCOPA) in Hollywood this year has made him a local sensation.

As such, Fitness Zone signed the singer as its media spokesperson in its ‘Pursue Greatness’ campaign to inspire people in the country.

Describing the campaign, Wu Chun said, “As the saying goes, good is the opposite of great. We live in a hyper connected world today and to be competitive will not suffice. We need to be great. Greatness is about perseverance, excellence and making personal sacrifices. To achieve anything great, you must be physically fit to begin with. As a fitness centre, we believe Fitness Zone plays a crucial role in helping you to pursue greatness.”

Wu Chun and Fakhrul Razi share a number of similarities as both are Bruneians and singers who wish to inspire the community.

Fakhrul Razi has begun his journey to international stardom while Wu Chun has reached the pinnacle of his career.

According to Fakhrul Razi, “I have always admired Wu Chun. He is not only promoting fitness but raising awareness on a healthy lifestyle which will benefit Brunei as a whole.

“Being a long-time member of the centre, I always love the spinning and body pump at Fitness Zone. To achieve greatness, one needs to be well in mind, body and soul.”

Fakhrul Razi will be launching his new album in November. Three quarters of the songs were composed by Fakhrul himself containing Brunei’s essence. The album was recorded in Brunei, Indonesia and the Philippines. On choosing Fakhrul Razi as the spokesperson of Fitness Zone, Wu Chun said, “We want a spokesperson the local community can relate to. One whose name is undisputed when relating it to the word ‘Greatness’.

“When he sings, you sense a greatness in his voice and the powerful message the lyric conveys. However, many do not realise the sacrifices and hard work that went behind the scenes. Fakhrul Razi is indeed our natural choice.”



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