HSBC (Brunei), one of the most social responsible financial institutions in the country, will host its biggest charity event so far this year called 'Walk Run Cycle 2011' on May 22 to raise funds for the education of children with special needs.
This year's event is to raise fund for three charitable organisations: SMARTER, Pusat Ehsan and KACA.
The details of the HSBC charity drive were revealed by Mr Lim Boon Teck, Manager Corporate Sustainability of HSBC (Brunei) in a press conference yesterday afternoon.
Mr Lim who has been actively involved in social responsibility projects said, "Every year we organise charity events that have become one of the most anticipated events in Brunei. For the past few years, we have been doing cycling and this year, we want to involve more participation from the Bruneian community so we have a mix of walk, run and cycling, called Walk Run Cycle 2011.
"We have an official website for the event which is www.walkruncycle.com, where all the information can be obtained from website."
During the press conference, Mr Lim also thanked the sponsors namely Triple Star, SCOTT, Fitness Zone, Laneige, Red Bull, Kingston, and Revive. Other sponsors included Interhouse Co Armtric Enterprise, Madmilk, IBIC Sdn Bhd, Sehat, Shopping.com.bn, exclusive media supporters Borneo Bulletin and Media Permata as well as exclusive radio station Kristal FM.
More than $15,000 worth of lucky draw prizes are up for grabs in the charity-driven event, thanks to the sponsors.
He highlighted, "Participants will have the opportunity to win lucky draw prizes that include Fitness Zone membership, iPhone 4, iTouch, bicycle, cameras, and PS3. Without the sponsors, we would not be able to host the event. Overall, all the prizes worth around $15,000."
The event will be held on May 22 and will begin at Taman SOAS.
According to Mr Lim, participants can choose from two categories - the 45km cycling or the 8km of walking, fun run and cycling. The route for both categories can be obtained from the official website.
He added that the 45km route is for cyclists only and participants have to be over the age of 16 years old. For safety reasons, cyclists are expected to be able to maintain a constant speed of 25km/hr. Participants of the 45km route are expected to start at 7am on May 22, while the 8km route is open for walking, fun run and cycling.
The event for the 8km will start at 7.30am on May 22. All the participants in the 8km walk, run and cycle must be aged at least six and children under 12 years old must be accompanied by parents or legal guardian.
Mr Lim added, "Registration forms can be obtained at all HSBC branches, Triple Star Enterprise, all Fitness Zone branches. The form can also be downloaded from the official website. The participants will be given a donation card to collect donation and a bib number that will be the lucky draw number. Participants will receive exclusive merchandise of HSBC Walk Run Cycle, a one week pass at Fitness Zone and a gift from Laneige."
The registration fee is $10 and all proceed will be given to SMARTER, Pusat Ehsan and KACA. Closing date for registration is April 30 and we are targeting about 1,000 participants.
Also present at the conference were sponsors Lee Ming Hua of Triple Star Enterprise; Wu Chun of Fitness Zone; Ali Sahrin bin Ahmad, Operation Manager of Fitness Zone; William Shim of Kingston Beverage, Wong Chin Toon of Greencity Concept and Mr Lim Hong Seng of Laneige Brunei.
Wu Chun in an interview with Bulletin said, "Any activities related to healthy lifestyle and charity, Fitness Zone would like to take part in. We are giving away one-week passes to all the participants. It's very worthwhile because a day entrance fee will cost $20 per person. We will also provide instructors for the aerobics warm-up exercise."
He also expressed "I would like to urge everyone to join the event to not only help raise money but also promote living a healthy lifestyle through exercising."
Mr Wong Chin Toon of Greencity Concept also hoped that members of the public would support the event to raise funds for the charity organisations.
He said in an interview, "We are happy to be involved again. It's part of Red Bull social responsibility. We will be hosting some games to help raise funds and we hope that the public will come out to support."
匯豐控股(文萊),其中一個最社會責任的金融機構在國家,將舉辦慈善活動,其最大的今年到目前為止所謂的步行運行週期 2011年對 5月22日籌集資金用於教育兒童的特殊需要。
林先生誰一直積極參與社會責任項目說,“我們每年舉辦的慈善活動,已成為一個最令人期待的事件在文萊。過去幾年,我們一直在做騎自行車,今年,我們要涉及從文萊更多參與社會,所以我們都混在一起的走路,跑步和騎自行車,走所謂的運行週期 2011年。
“我們有一個官方網站的事件,是 www.walkruncycle.com ,所有的信息可以從網站。“
在記者招待會上,林先生也感謝贊助商即三合星,斯科特,健身區,蘭芝,紅牛,Kingston和振興。 其他贊助商包括Interhouse有限公司Armtric企業,Madmilk,IBIC私人有限公司,Sehat,Shopping.com.bn,獨家媒體支持婆羅洲公報和媒體 Permata以及獨家克里什塔爾調頻廣播電台。
價值超過 15,000元的抽獎獎品是可以爭取的慈善驅動的事件,這要感謝贊助商。
他強調:“參加者將有機會贏取幸運抽獎,包括健身區的成員,iPhone 4,iTouch的,自行車,照相機,和PS3。沒有贊助商,我們將無法舉辦活動。整體而言,所有的獎品價值約 15,000元。“
本次活動將於 5月22日將開始在Taman倫敦大學亞非學院。
據林先生,參與者可以選擇兩個類別 - 45公里的自行車或步行8公里,長跑和騎自行車。 該航線為兩類,可從官方網站。
他補充說,45公里的路線是騎自行車者和參與者只是要超過年齡 16歲。 為安全起見,騎單車,預計能夠保持恆定速度25km/hr。 與會者在45公里的路線有望於 5月22日早上7點,而8公里的路線是開放的步行,長跑和騎自行車。
本次活動將開始為8公里5月22日上午七時半。 所有與會者都在步行8公里,運行和週期必須至少六個歲以下兒童和12歲的同時,必須由父母或法定監護人。
登記費為 10美元,將給予一切進行更智能化的,Pusat作者Ehsan和KACA。 報名截止日期是4月30日,我們的目標約 1000名參與者。
來源: http://www.borneobulletin.com.bn