
Local gym franchise - Fitness Zone - has pledged to work together with the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) yesterday in an attempt to steer Brunei's citizens away from substance abuse after an official agreement was signed by representatives from both sides.

"As well all should know by now, NCB is one agency that has been given the roles and responsibilities in handling the matters relating to smuggling and the misuse of illegal drugs. We would not be able to run our missions and responsibilities without the cooperation from a number of different parties in this country," NCB's Assistant Director of the Drug Prevention and Education Branch, Osmawi Hj Osman, said in his opening speech to officials and representatives that included specially invited guest, Datin Hjh Adina binti Hj Othman, Deputy Minister of Culture, Youth & Sports.

The Assistant Director said that maintaining a close relationship with "every level" in the country is crucial especially when attempting to reach out to the community.

"There are many different programmes the can be organised by both parties - NCB and Fitness Zone. Obviously Fitness Zone is capable of becoming a channel or agent in our mission to disseminate information pertaining to the misuse of drugs. Our main target group will be the youth, especially after the recent health trend that is currently being campaigned and implemented by our ministers," Osmawi Hj Othman said.

The NCB relayed its success at spreading its pamphlets and posters containing information on substance abuse during the recent opening of Fitness Zone's Delima branch, where a large portion of Brunei's health buffs gathered.

"Witnessing its success, accompanied with genuine intentions in bringing out the roles and responsibilities of the Bureau as the enforcement agency, it thus brought us to this day where the agreement between us will take place," the Assistant Director said.

"NCB is officially declaring that Fitness Zone has been chosen to be its 'partner' in the legal Partnership Programme in disseminating information on the misuse of drugs," he added.

NCB Director, Hj Abdul Aziz OKMB Hj Othman, signed the official documents together with Fitness Zone's Managing Director, Goh Kiat Chun, before giving the Deputy Minister a short tour of the NCB's gallery that had a variety of confiscated narcotics on display.

Datin Hjh Adina, meanwhile, told the Bulletin: "Sports is so empowering. A person who does sports can feel good about themselves without seeking out other negative alternatives. Drugs are a way out for people who have no other option.

"With sports, they can get 'high' and they feel good.

"So what Fitness Zone is doing now is fantastic. We look forward to more private companies coming to help us.

"And when we talk about social issues like this, it's the responsibility of the community.

"Everybody should have best interest in the well-being of the community."


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