IN AN effort to promote having a balanced diet and moderate food intake, the Health Promotion Centre under the Ministry of Health along with BIBD, Fitness Zone and OhMyCard have joined forces for the first time to come up with table top displays that will be distributed to restaurants and food stalls in the country to remind the public to eat moderately, especially during Ramadhan.
From Monday onwards, the 5,000 table top displays with 120 posters on healthy and moderate food intake for Sungkai and Sahur can be obtained from Fitness Zone or the Health Promotion Centre.
According to Health Facilities Officer Shahiran Sheriffuddin, in a press conference with Wu Chun, Health Education Officer Ummi Arrif, Hj Mohd Kamarul Dzaman of BIBD Marketing, and Willy Ng, the Manager of OhMyCard, “This is the first time that table top displays have been put out to promote healthy and moderate food intake during Ramadhan. They also promote physical activities.”
Wu Chun also revealed, “Compared to Ramadhan a few years ago, I can see that there are more people working out at Fitness Zone this year. It’s a big change and it shows that people are really paying attention to healthy living.”
In support of healthy living and moderate food intake, Hj Mohd Kamarul Dzaman conveyed that BIBD is happy to support the initiative by the Health Promotion Centre, while Willy Ng said that OhMyCard will distribute the table top displays to over 120 food and beverage merchants.
Shahiran Sheriffuddin added, “The introduction of the table top displays is timely, as we are still in the first week of Ramadhan, so the message will be more likely to get across.”
Meanwhile, Ummi Arrif also reminded the public not to overeat or buy too much food during the fasting month.
“With so many choices of food and an empty stomach, sometimes there is a tendency to buy too much food and products with high sugar content. We want to remind the public to choose their food wisely,” she said.
She further explained, “Through the table top displays, we hope to raise awareness and empower people to eat more healthily. It is also in line with the Sunnah to eat moderately.”
source: http://borneobulletin.brunei-online.com.bn