Every year Fitness Zone organizes 2 to 3 blood donations per year and they encourage their members to take part as well because it doesn’t only saves their lives but it’s also good for their health! Each time you donate blood, you get a basic check up where you will find out if your pulse, blood pressure and other vital signs are healthy or not.
Every time you give blood, you also lower your iron levels, which according to CNN can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. According to the Miller-Keystone Blood Center (a non-profit organization that supplies blood products across the U.S.), regular blood donation can also reduce the risk of cancer in the liver, lungs, throat, colon, and stomach. By being a regular donor, you help to replenish body by itself and this will allow your body to work more efficiently.
Fitness Zone gave out 2 weeks membership passes to all donors last Saturday. The next blood donation event is scheduled for October 2014.
Special thanks to Mr Baker and FZ Live Band for their support and of course, the RIPAS Hospital team who did a great job and they were willing to come over to FZ, making it more convenient for the 60 staffs of FZ and members to donate blood today.
According to Wu Chun, at Fitness Zone, it’s not only about Fitness and getting healthy. It’s about living it RIGHT! It’s about feeling good about your own life. When you exercise, its all about loving life because you are taking steps to improve your quality of life and you are making your loved ones less worried about your health condition.
The event had a tremendous response of 63 donors in the four hour window. For more information on your free trial session at Fitness Zone, please call 2448488 or log on to their website www.fitnesszone.com.bn or at Facebook FitnessZoneBrunei.
Wu Chun having his blood pressure checked
Wu Chun and his Fitness Zone members
source: http://rano360.com/ranoadidas3/tag/wu-chun/