Taking a tour of balancity: 20 children at WU Zun’s side © German Pavilion
WU Zun, a well-known and loved TV star in China, recently visited the German Pavilion, “balancity”, with 20 children from migrant workers’ families. The visit was part of the “Expo Stars” series of events, in which various Chinese stars and starlets come to EXPO 2010 in Shanghai and visit the pavilions along with children from underprivileged families.
On Sunday, WU Zun came to balancity, where the singer and actor was welcomed by Pavilion Director Urte Fechter. The German Pavilion team had prepared goodie bags for the young visitors, which WU Zun presented to them. Many of the other Chinese visitors walking around balancity recognised the pop singer and grabbed the opportunity to take photos of him. In the VIP lounge, the 30-year-old tried a slice of German cake. His verdict? “Very yummy”.
VIP cake for a VIP: "Very yummy" © German Pavilion
A host guides the star and the children through the German Pavilion. © German Pavilion
在中國極受歡迎的電視明星吳尊帶領20名來自民工家庭的兒童參觀德國館“和諧都市”。 “明星帶你看世博”系列活動組織了中國眾多的明星們與來自貧困家庭的兒童共同參觀上海世博會 。星期日,歌影雙棲明星吳尊來到和諧都市,受到了德國館館長費熙婷的熱情接待。德國館還為他們的小客人準備了精美禮品,由吳尊一一分發給小朋友們。參觀和諧都市的過程中很多參觀者認出了吳尊,紛紛抓住這難得的機會給吳尊拍照。 30歲的吳尊在參觀貴賓室時還品嚐了一塊德國蛋糕,並讚歎道:“真好吃”
謝謝吳尊吧-zoie828分享, 新聞來源: http://www.expo2010-germany.com