THE Asia-Europe Foundation is embarking on an initiative to create awareness on the dangers posed by single-use plastic bags, and also promote the use of reusable bags in Brunei.

Under the ASEF Green Action initiative, a reusable bag will be given for every four plastic bags. It will be launched today at the Inspiring Hall of the Student Centre, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD).

The ASEF Green Action was an idea generated at 18th ASEF University. The bag exchanges along with other activities was planned for Brunei, Thailand, Philippines, China, Poland, Spain and the Netherlands.

"This is the first time it is going to be held at Brunei," Rob Van Leeuwen, a project officer of ASEF said during a press conference with the organising committee held at Fitness Zone Kiulap yesterday.

"We want to create awareness on the impact and effects of plastic on the environment. By exchanging bags, it is hope that the community would develop a habit to bringing reusable bags to shop."

The project is being coordinated by Nursalwa Baharuddin, a UBD student who had participated in the 18th ASEF University in Estonia.

The ASEF University offers opportunities for promising students and young professionals from 49 Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) countries to explore current issues in various fields through a two-week programme.

Nursalwa shared that aside from today's event, they would conduct another ASEF Green Action in May at local supermarkets; that will be conducted on weekdays.

"We plan to conduct it on weekdays with the aims that the community can nurture the habit of bringing reusable bags not just on weekends but also on weekdays," said Goh Kiat Chun (Wu Chun), a Brunei-born superstar and also the Managing Director of Fitness Zone.

Fitness Zone as the one of the sponsors for this event will participate by giving out reusable bags signed by Wu Chun during the launch of the ASEF Green Action.

Other participating agencies include Green Brunei, Creative Academy of Narrative & Dramatic Arts and Sciences (CANDAS) and UBD Volunteering and Charity Club.

"A joint collaboration from the local institute and NGOs would mean that there will be various contributions of experience and expertise in spreading awareness on the initiative," said Van Leeuwen. "I hope to expect a snowball effect after this project to attract more agencies."

"From the bag exchange, we want to make a Giant Earth ball made out of plastic collected," Nursalwa added. "We would showcase it at the UBD Convocation this August."

source: The Brunei Times
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