
FITNESS Zone is celebrating the official opening of its latest branch in Serusop this Sunday with a full day of games, activities and an opportunity to meet and hang out with Brunei's own international superstar, Wu Chun.

Emphasising the importance of healthy lifestyle, the event will kick off early in the morning with a charity walkathon to the stadium and back which begins at 7am. Those who wish to test their endurance can join the stationary bike cycling marathon at 3pm.

The joining fee is $30 which will go to charity, while the top cyclist will win an iPad.

"We will be giving out Fitness Zone certificates for all those who take part in our charity programme or donate money to our charity fund as a token of our appreciation. I will be personally signing them as well," said Wu, who is also the owner of the popular Fitness Zone chain.

Those who wish to donate blood will have the opportunity to do so, as there will be a blood donation drive on the day as well.

For children, there will be a colouring competition and face painting as well as a lion dance.

The new branch in Serusop features two workout studios, one of which can double as a mini basketball court and the other, a cycling studio.

The branch is also equipped with new machines such as Kinesis which is a specialist resistant exercise equipment.

Wu said the branch is also painted in dynamic colours and decorated with motivational posters, making use of the space to give gym goers a vibrant dynamic atmosphere to work out and feel the burn.

The gym is also equipped with cardio equipment and a free-weights area.

Fitness Zone currently has two branches with the main branch located in Kiulap.

The fitness club also has plans to expand to other locations in the near future.

With over 4,000 members, it is the top fitness club in Brunei and known for its fitness classes by Les Mills, world class pre-choreographed classes that are refreshed every quarterly. Those prefer to workout alone but need guidance can call on the expertise of their instructors. The Brunei Times



為強調健康生活方式的重要性,這次活動將揭開序幕早在上午的慈善步行籌款到體育場和背部的早上7點開始。 那些誰希望自己的耐力測試,可參加固定自行車自行車馬拉松賽在下午三時。

入會費是30元,將捐給慈善機構,而最高車手將贏得一個 iPad。








健身區目前有兩個分支與主支位於 Kiulap。


擁有超過 4000名會員,它是頂級的健身俱樂部,文萊和已知其健身班,由Les Mills的,世界一流的預編排類,每季度被刷新。 那些喜歡鍛煉的指導,但需要單獨的專門知識,可致電他們的教員。 文萊時報


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