
The new Fitness Zone at Serusop

You will notice lots of motivation lines at Fitness Zone

This is on the 3rd floor

At the reception area of Fitness Zone

It's Wu Chun himself

Vincent signing an autograph?? It can't be *lol*

A few MS students are also active

Donations have been great for Pusat Ehsan

The grand opening this Sunday

He's not just a superstar celebrity. He loves to be healthy and spread awareness to the public on the importance of staying healthy through going to the gym and wellness. Yesterday he was interviewed by the local media on the success of Fitness Zone in Brunei. Did you know that Fitness Zone has been around for nine years? That's pretty long for a gymnasium.

For your info, the Fitness Zone at The Mall has shifted out. The main reason being that Fitness Zone has its own branch in Kiulap area which is just nearby The Mall. Now with a new branch at Serusop, Fitness Zone has two locations. The one in Serusop is smaller than the Kiulap branch because there's no pool and basketball/badminton court.

Currently, Fitness Zone boasts over 4,000 members and the numbers have been increasing overtime. Wu Chun has also hinted in bringing in more instructors due to the increasing numbers of members but he did admit that he was tough to find the right ones.

The grand opening of Fitness Zone will be this Sunday and most of you are more than welcome to the opening. There will be a morning walk from Fitness Zone Serusop to the stadium and back again at 7am. There will be many events happening as well on that day.

Wu Chun is currently in Brunei, taking time-off from showbiz, and this is his longest break ever since his stardom in Taiwan. He normally takes one week off and spends his CNY in Brunei. This year, he is in Brunei for a month while celebrating Chinese New Year.


他不僅是一個超級明星名人。 他喜歡健康,傳播意識,以公眾保持健康的重要性,通過去健身房和健康。 昨天,他接受了當地媒體的成功在文萊的健身區。 你知道嗎,健身區已經出現了九年? 這是相當長的一個健身房。

為了您的信息,健身區在該商場已經移出。 主要的原因是健身區有它自己的分支領域中Kiulap它只是附近的購物中心。 現在有了一個新的分支在Serusop,健身區有兩個位置。 一個是在Serusop小於 Kiulap科,因為沒有游泳池,籃球 /羽毛球場。

目前,健身區擁有超過 4000名會員,而人數不斷增加加班。 吳尊還暗示,使更多的教師由於越來越多的會員,但他也承認,他很難找到合適的。

隆重舉行健身區將這個星期天,最你比歡迎開幕。 將有晨運區 Serusop從健身到體育場,然後再返回早上7點。 還會有很多事件的發生,以及那一天。

吳尊目前在文萊,採取放假時間從演藝圈,這是他最長的自從他成名於台灣。 他通常需要一個星期的假,並花了人民幣在文萊。 今年,他在文萊月,在慶祝農曆新年。


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