
It was a hot morning. No, not that kind of hot. Down girls, I realise I'm writing about Wu Chun but I'm trying to set the scene here. It was hot, temperature-wise, I had dragged myself out of bed on a Sunday morning to catch a glimpse of this... boyband guy and I wasn't even a fan. I never listened to his music, the only thing I knew about Wu Chun is that he is famous. I had sweated through the opening of Fitness Zone Serusop, jostling with media and fans alike, just to talk to this fella. Now I stand on the second floor of the multi-story gym, having blabbed my way through his minders and was wondering what the hell I was doing there.

"Media?" another fitness zone guy asked. Well, I had a facebook page. AND it was linked to my twitter account. Some savvy media stuff there. I had a podcast, that my friends, family and a few strangers listen to. Yeah sure! Media! Why not. He looks at me funny. Ok maybe I don't look like media. I had a shirt on that I got free from the last World Heart Day and out of the corner of my eye I spy some people I know form the Ministry of Health. I pulled at the ministry logo I had on my sleeve non-chalantly and waved at the Health peeps. I didn't exactly imply I was with them but the guy let me go talk to them.

They were on the way to chat to Wu Chun. Why don't I join them? Things are looking up. Yey health! Damn i can't really ask him about anything else or the game is up. Boo health!

I needn't have worried. Wu Chun was happy to chat to a podcaster, even one with a sporadic audience like me. As we talk, I begin to realise why this man has actually made it. This, sitting across from me on an exercise bench, was an ordinary guy from an ordinary Bruneian background. It wasn't just his good looks, no, a lot of Bruneians are good looking. There was something else there, a fire in his voice, a mesmerizing quality that hypnotized me and yet put me at ease. Weird! Shouldn't the interviewer be putting the interviewee at ease. Nope. Obviously this man have had far more experience than I did, and in the immortal words of a slag I once met and quickly regretted meeting; "if he knows his stuff, let him do what he wants." So I sat back and let him talk.

His, is an engaging personality. He talks about his early life, while I worry that my iPhone (nice one, very professional, podcaster can't afford decent audio recording devices) won't be able to catch his voice in the loud music pumping away in the background. Why did I suggest talking outside his office? HIS suggestion for us to do the interview somewhere quiet was clearly one born from years of talking to the media. Take notes Shahiboy! Crap! I left my notebook at home. Shut up, brain! Wu Chun is talking again.

He is passionate about making Bruneians healthier. Again the fire in his voice, this time raging against obesity, inactive lifestyles and all the evils that come with it. He wants young Bruneians to be more active. He wants them to choose their friends carefully. You can see it in his eyes. He cares.

I thought at this point, I would make a very bad superstar if we switched places. I would sit in my luxury condo in Taiwan playing video games, working out and occasionally making movies and music. I'd probably party a lot too. And here he was, trying to give back to the country of his birth. I see why fate chose to make him a star. He launches into his work as an actor and in the boy band. I thought, oh lordy, that sounds tiring. Hard work, commitment, passion and faith. That was Wu Chun's advice for those in Brunei who dared to dream of reaching the stars.

It's all a bit daunting. But I can see that if Brunei can produce someone like him, it will have others out there cut from the same cloth. I was heartened. Then another thing struck me, Wu Chun is also intoxicating. You'd have to be to make it in that business. I discover another layer to the man. Tick for me.

Just as I thought I got him figured out, he talks about his mother, sadly deceased now. I see his father behind him, a man fit and looking more like a 40 year old than the 64 year old father of a Bruneian-Taiwanese Star. His mother's spirit gave him drive, he says, the will to succeed. Wu Chun looks distant and melancholy. The girls listening seem to want to reach out to him. Yes! Very mesmerizing.

Then as quickly as it began, it was over. I got up and thanked him. We took photos together with the Ministry of Health girls and I made my exit. I looked at the photos in my camera. I look fat beside him. Right, I won't be publishing that! A thought struck me, "Never hang out with Wu Chun in public, lest ye be judged by the fairer sex and be ignored!" If I ever get another opportunity to interview him again, it'll be somewhere private and quiet. With low lighting.

I arrive home and tweet about the interview. I find myself watching Fahrenheit (his boyband) videos on youtube and looking for their songs.

Intoxicating indeed...

Check back in on Tuesday 9pm 15/2/2011 to listen to Episode 38, where I interview Wu Chun on the podcast.



這是一個炎熱的上午。 不,不是那樣的炎熱。 下來的女孩,我知道我正在寫有關吳尊,但我想在這裡設置的場景。 那是一個炎熱,溫度方面,我有我自己從床上拖在一個星期天早上釣瞥見這個 ... 男孩團體的傢伙,我什至沒有風扇。 我從來沒有聽他的音樂,我只知道吳尊是,他是有名的。 我大汗淋漓,通過開放健身區 Serusop,衝撞與媒體和球迷一樣,只是為了與這個傢伙。 現在,我站在二樓的多層健身房,我的方式有blabbed通過他的陪同人員,想知道我到底是什麼在那裡做。

“媒體?” 另一個健身區傢伙問。 嗯,我有一個 Facebook頁面。 ,它是鏈接到我的Twitter帳戶。 一些精明的媒體的東西那裡。 我有一個播客,我的朋友,家人和一些陌生人聽。 當然可以! 媒體! 為什麼不。 他看著我好笑。 沒關係,以後我不喜歡看的媒體。 我有一件襯衫,我就擺脫了去年世界心臟日進出角落我的眼睛我是間諜,我知道有些人形成了衛生部。 我把車停在該部標誌我對我的袖子非chalantly,揮舞在健康一瞥。 我沒有確切意味著我和他們,但這個傢伙讓我去和他們聊天。

他們在聊天的方式吳尊。 為什麼不讓我加入他們的行列? 情況正在好轉。 Yey健康! 哎呀我真的不能要求他其它任何東西或遊戲了。 噓健康!

我不需要擔心。 吳尊很高興地聊到播客,甚至一有零星的觀眾喜歡我。 正如我們說的,我開始明白為什麼這個人實際上已經 使 。 這,坐在我的對面長凳上鍛煉,是一個普通的男人從一個普通的汶萊背景。 這不僅僅是他的長相,不,是許多Bruneians好看。 那裡有別的東西,他的聲音火,一個迷人的質量催眠,我雖然把我放心。 奇怪! 面試者是不是應該把受訪者放心。 不行。 顯然,這名男子有過遠遠比我更有經驗,並在不朽詞的礦渣我曾經遇到過,並迅速會議表示遺憾,“如果他知道他的東西,就讓他做他想做的。” 所以,我坐在後面,讓他談談。

他是一個迷人的個性。 他談到他的早年生活,而我擔心我的iPhone(尼斯之一,非常專業,播客買不起像樣的錄音設備)將無法趕上他的聲音在嘈雜的音樂抽水遠的背景。 為什麼說我建議他的辦公室外面? 他的建議為我們做的採訪顯然是一個安靜的地方出生的年向媒體的談話。 記筆記 Shahiboy! 廢話! 我離開了我的筆記本電腦在家裡。 閉嘴,腦! 吳尊說話了。

他熱衷於製造 Bruneians健康。 火再次在他的聲音,這一次肆虐對抗肥胖,不活動的生活方式和所有的邪惡的到它。 他希望年輕 Bruneians更加活躍。 他希望他們能夠選擇自己的朋友要小心。 你可以看到在他的眼睛。 他很關心。

我想在這一點上,我會提出一個非常壞的超級巨星,如果我們交換的地方。 我會坐在我的豪華公寓在台灣玩電子遊戲,工作了,偶爾拍電影和音樂。 我可能會黨也很多。 在這裡,他是,試圖給該國回到他的出生地。 我明白為什麼命運選擇,使他成為明星。 他推出了他的工作,作為一個演員和樂隊的男孩。 我想,哦乖乖,聽起來很累。 努力工作,全心全意,熱情和信心。 這是吳尊的建議對於那些誰也不敢在文萊達成的明星夢。

這一切有點令人望而生畏。 但我可以看到,如果文萊能產生像他一樣的人,就會有其他人那裡切斷同布。 我感到鼓舞。 然後,另一件讓我吃驚,吳尊也醉人。 你必須是使其在該業務。 我發現另一個層的人。 蜱我。

正當我以為我讓他想通了,他談到他的母親,不幸去世了。 我看見他的父親在他身後,一個人適合看更像是一個 40歲的比64歲的父親一文萊,台灣的明星。 他的母親的精神給了他開車,他說,爭取成功。 吳尊看起來遙遠而憂鬱。 姑娘們聽來似乎想向他伸出手。 是啊! 非常迷人。

然後盡快開始,一切都結束了。 我站了起來,並感謝他。 我們把照片連同衛生部女孩和我做了我的退出。 我看著這些照片在我的相機。 我看起來胖他身旁。 對,我不會出版了! 一個念頭讓我吃驚,“從來沒有掛出吳尊在公開場合,免得你們被論斷的公平性和被忽略!” 如果我得到另一個機會去採訪他,這將是私人和安靜的地方。 低照明。

我到家裡鳴叫約面試。 我發現自己看飛輪海(他的男孩團體)影片在YouTube和尋找自己的歌曲。


回來檢查在週二晚上9點 15/2/2011聽 38集,我在那裡採訪吳尊的播客。


    創作者 艾美艾尊 的頭像


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